Paintings that remind you that it is possible to thrive in the in between Present in the in between Neither here nor there You feel in between. Like an outsider in a place you are supposed to feel at home. You are not able to go forward, but you can’t go back either. You do not yet know how you fit into this world. And that is ok. It takes time to process what is going on. This painting reminds you to be patient and accept the season you are in right now.Painting 1: Neither here nor there, 40 X 30 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 Fernweh "Fernweh" is a German word to describe the longing for a far off place. Sometimes you crave something new, a new country, a new adventure. You have an inner rhythm, a relocation “itch”, that is out of sync with people around youYou keep asking yourself “what is next?”. You feel like you are missing out on something big by staying in one place.This painting reminds you that the conflicting emotions you feel inside are normal.Painting 2: Fernweh, 40 X 30 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 Perspective You are frustrated that not all your needs are being met where you are right now. However at the moment it is not possible for you to pack up and leave again. You realise that you are focusing on what you don’t have rather than being grateful for everything that you do have.This painting reminds you to cherish and be grateful for what you have. Painting 3: Perspective, 40 X 30 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 From within Over time, you realise that your sense of belonging cannot be dependent on people or a place. It is not a place that makes you happy, you are responsible for your own happiness. You let go of searching for the perfect home and you decide to make the best of where you are. You start to find a sense of stability from within.This painting reminds you that your sense of belonging is something that comes from within.Painting 4: From within, 40 X 30 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 Being intentional You decide to invest in the place where you are right now. You make a conscious decision that this is your new home. You create a space that is familiar and feels like your own. You make the effort to reach out to people and not wait for them to reach out to you. This takes courage and is a risk. However, it is worth it because friendships are important to you.This painting reminds you to be intentional with your decisions and relationships.Painting 5: Being intentional, 40 X 30 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 Being here At some point you allow yourself to settle. You take on more responsibility and you get more involved in the local community. However it doesn’t mean that you forget all the homes you have had. The places you hold dear to your heart. Your multi-cultural experience is part of who you are. This painting is a reminder of your commitment to be present here and now.Painting 6: Being here, 40 X 30 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 Bloom here and now You might not be ready to settle down yet. And that is ok. Not everyone is made for putting down roots. Learn to bloom wherever you are. This painting reminds you that even if you continue to have a mobile lifestyle, it is possible for you to thrive and grow.Painting 7: Bloom here and now, 40 X 30 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 Belonging Over time you feel more rooted to the place you have committed to. It is still complicated to reply to the question “where are you from?”. However you feel more connected to a local community. You realise that you have regular deep friendships.This painting reminds you to celebrate your complex and unique roots. It reminds you to be intentional about putting down roots even if you don’t know how long you will be staying.Painting 8: Belonging, 60 X 60 cm, oil on canvas, 2021 This is simply a selection of my paintings. All my other paintings including prices and photos of details can be found in my free art catalogue: Free Art Catalogue Blog Art Catalogue Contact